The voice of the Bluewater Dunes Community
Mission Statement
The Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers Corporation is the charter for the Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers Association.
Incorporated in 1984, we represent the interests of Ratepayers living mainly on M115 and M116 in Tiny Township
Our mandate is to promote community life, Protect our environment, Liaise with Tiny Township and also other Shoreline Associations.
Our Mission is to:
- provide any and all important information affecting our residents
- channel the concerns and suggestions of our members to local governments, municipal bodies and to other organizations with similar concerns and objectives
- use our collective voice to insure the sustainable development and preservation of our neighbourhood and
- foster positive, fun and friendly relationships in our unique and special community
We are currently member of FoTTSA
Please refer to the attached map ( courtesy of Google Maps ) for our location