All posts by Webmaster

Save our Water – Stop the Pit Petition

Hello Everyone,

Your help is required to save our pristine drinking water which is at still at risk due to aggregate extractions by the pits.   There are a few ways that you can help out to stop this initiative.

  • Continue to support FoTTSA by donating or purchasing a sign for your property   FoTTSA is playing an integral part of staying on top of key issues within Tiny.   The money raised is being used to pay for studies to prove through scientific research that we are drinking the “purest water in the WORLD “
  • Sign a petition that is posted within the Canadian Government, House of Commons website. (see below)    A group called, “Friends of the Waverly Uplands”,  is behind the initiative which are dire directly impacted since they are located nearby the aggregate pits.  This now has the attention of the nation.  Join the cross Canada campaign to save this water for future generations.  See below for more information on where to go to sign up.

Thank you in advance for having your say. Your support is greatly appreciated!

The BDRA Committee


Dear Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers Association Members.
Your Board is calling for an AGM on June 25th.
More information to follow shortly

We count on your continuing support.
Best Regards.
Kelly on behalf of the Board


Volunteers Needed for Phrag Free Tiny Marsh

The Tiny Marsh needs your help! The invasive Common Reed is establishing itself within this provincially significant wetland and there is a program being implemented to stop its spread. The Marl Lake-Tiny Marsh-Matchedash Bay Conservation Association (M-T-M) is creating a task force of volunteers to assist with this control program.

Please follow this link to their website

Gypsy Moths

Dear neighbours,

Covid should not let us forget that another pest is lurking in our gardens and trees.

Last year the Gypsy Moths not only prevented us from enjoying spring/ summer on our outdoor patios, but also damaged or destroyed our shrubs and trees.

In spite of deputations asking Tiny Township Council to take township wide action, Council decided to shift the responsibility for handling this pest to individual property owners.

An option for us would be follow FoTTSA’ suggestion of aerial spraying of BTK.

Please note that the registration for 2021 Gypsy Moths spraying deadline is March 1st 2021.

Please consider aerial spraying of BTK.  It i s safe and will not damage other animals, insects, vegetation or ourselves. 

We urge you to talk to your neighbours.

On this site you will find pertinent information regarding:

BTK spraying

The company service proposal

The process should you be interested how to get register

Neighbour authorization

Best regards.

The Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers Association.

Beach Clean Up

On October 3rd we held a Beach clean up at Bluewater.
This was well attended and we would like to thank all participants
We truly appreciate your efforts to keep our beaches healthy and litter free. Thanks to 25 wonderful volunteers, 30 bags off litter was removed from Bluewater Beach including small pieces of plastic & foam, cigarette butts, water bottle caps and more!
Thank you to the Township and most specially to Maggie Off, the Community Engagement Coordinator.

For some pictures of the event, please click here.

High Water Issue / Letter Campaign

Dear Georgian Bay Neighbours,

The BCAG (Bluewater Community Action Group) has prepared three sample letters along with an instruction sheet (link) to send to our politicians asking them to take action now to lower the water level of Huron/Georgian Bay. 

You can select one of the templates included below that best suits your concern…environmental damage (link ),loss of business and tourism (link) , or more general concerns of high water.  All the letters have a suggested email distribution list and an easy cut-and-paste of the suggested email addresses.

We need as many people as possible writing letters so please feel free to pass along to encourage more participation.

Bluewater Community Action Group    

Some additional information:

IJC Report
MNRF report
Townhip of Tay Resolution
Township of Tiny support Resolution


We wish all a wonderful holiday season and a splendid Thanksgiving Day. May it be filled with lots of joy and happiness.
May the happy occasion of Thanksgiving bring you an abundance of love and joy, lots of prosperity and good health.
Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving Day.
The BDRA Board