Archived News

FoTTSA Report on Tiny Council Meetings

April 2023

The FoTTSA Report on the Tiny Council meetings of April 5 and 26, 2023 have been posted on The Tiny Cottager website. Find out about:

  • Sewage system re-inspection report
  • Art in the Heart of Georgian Bay
  • Teedon Pit zoning by-law amendment
  • consolidated speed limit by-law
  • tax-rate by-law
  • proposed provincial site-plan control changes
  • delineation of public beaches
  • Water Master Plan
  • parking permits
The spring issue of The Tiny Cottager 
has been mailed to all residents of Tiny Township. If you did not receive your copy, please send us your address by contacting 
Read on-line version here


2023/2024 BDRA Membership Registration Form


The Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers Association is holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) this year on Saturday, June 3rd, 2022.  It will be 39 years since this association has been incorporated and we are proud to be serving this community for these many years.

Please find attached this year’s Agenda and the Registration Form.  We will also be delivering a copy to everyone in the area, so please watch out for it.  And finally, you have the option to download a copy from our website www.bluewaterdunes.orgunder key links or register on the day of the AGM.

We also are proud to announce that we very special guest this year.  The honourable mayoral elect of Tiny Township, David Evans has agreed to attend this year’s AGM in person to share with you his plans for the community.  Hopefully, you can all attend in person at 50 Nicole Blvd. – Remember to bring your lawn chairs.

Please RSVP by May 29th, by sending an email to or  As usual, there will be free Tim Horton’s coffee and some treats.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you,

The BDRA Committee

Please check out the latest news from the FoTTSA Flash at the Tiny Cottager.  Lot’s of great information on the upcoming  Tiny Counsel Meetings  / The election / and progress on Saving the Pit – Thanks to everyone you provided their support and as it is making a real difference.
The BDRA Committee
Thank you to all the members who were able to attend this year’s Potluck Summer Party.  It was a huge success and everyone had a lot of fun.  Look forward to doing something similar next year!


Summary Report

July 20, 2022 6pm – Virtual public meeting of a proposed Township initiated Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment as it relates to Short Term Rentals.

August 11, 2022 4pm – Virtual Special Meeting of Council. regarding Short Term Rentals in the Township of Tiny, specifically an implementation report and licensing by-law for Council’s consideration.


B.D.R.A. Annual General Meeting
Saturday, June 25, 2022, at 50 Nicole Blvd.
10:00 am -11:00 pm
(Registration starts at 9:45 am.)

Our guest speaker will be Dan O’Rourke who served on Tiny Township’s Short Term Rental Task Force.

• Welcome
• Acceptance of Minutes from August 2021 AGM
• Financial Statement 2021
• Speed Monitors
• Bike Racks
• Little Library
• Tennis Court – Township will refurbish in August
• Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament
• Dark Sky vs Street Lighting
• Short Term Rentals
• BINGO Evening or other suggestions
• Election of Board
We will be serving coffee and Timbits.
Membership cost: $30 per household: payment by cash or cheque is acceptable.
Please download and print the attached form and bring it to the meeting.
Bring a lawn chair, the meeting will be held on the driveway. If it rains we will be inside my home.

Please RSVP by June 21, 2022, to and confirm the number ofattendees.




Sent February 12, 2022

Presidents’ Network Update
January 2022

Transportation Master Plan  
** comment period ends January 28th **

The final draft of the TMP report confirms that the study recommendations will address the need to reduce automobile speed and enhance safety for all road users and further states that the road safety issue is a matter of priority.

And yet FoTTSA notes that the following issues are not adequately addressed:

  • speed control measures on Tiny Beaches Road
  • pedestrian safety on Tiny Beaches Road
  • all-way stop control at major intersections along Tiny Beaches Road
  • recognition of the heritage nature of Tiny Beaches Road

Read FoTTSA’s response to the final draft.

The study team needs to hear from all concerned residents. Please send your comments by January 28 as indicated here.

Register today for a January 25 Zoom launch of the Reform Gravel Mining Coalition — an ambitious but achievable community effort to improve provincial decision-making on gravel mining.

There’s a new simplified presentation of the
Chronology of Recent Events
on the Save Our Water Tiny website.
Please share these links with your members.

Coming soon: details on a March 22
“Save The World’s Purest Water” rally
at Queen’s Park, organized by FoTTSA.

Always encourage your membership to stay up-to-date

Remind all your members that we need their updated mailing addresses to send them their issue of the Tiny Cottager.
And if they’d like to get the monthly FoTTSA Flash, we also need their email. Consider asking your membership for permission to share your list with us – we never sell or share our list with anyone.

Follow us!
Facebook Tiny Cottager by FoTTSA      Instagram tinycottager_fottsa    Twitter @tinycottager  Site

Our mailing address is:

The Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations
42 Haslemere Rd
Toronto, Ontario M4N1X6

Want to change how you receive these emails?
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

Sent February 5th, 2022


Wishing you and your families a very Happy New Year!  Let us hope that 2022 will be kinder to all of us.

Thank you
BDRA Committee
Happy NY2022.gif




Posted on August 7, 2021 by Webmaster

Volunteers Needed for Phrag Free Tiny Marsh

The Tiny Marsh needs your help! The invasive Common Reed is establishing itself within this provincially significant wetland and there is a program being implemented to stop its spread. The Marl Lake-Tiny Marsh-Matchedash Bay Conservation Association (M-T-M) is creating a task force of volunteers to assist with this control program.

Please follow this link to their website    Events Information – MTM Conservation

The Tiny Cottager Online – Thriving and sustainable shoreline communities in Tiny Township with FoTTSA


Zimmer Air


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Gypsy Moths

Posted on January 31, 2021 by Webmaster

Dear neighbours,

Covid should not let us forget that another pest is lurking in our gardens and trees.

Last year the Gypsy Moths not only prevented us from enjoying spring/ summer on our outdoor patios, but also damaged or destroyed our shrubs and trees.

In spite of deputations asking Tiny Township Council to take township wide action, Council decided to shift the responsibility for handling this pest to individual property owners.

An option for us would be follow FoTTSA’ suggestion of aerial spraying of BTK.

Please note that the registration for 2021 Gypsy Moths spraying deadline is March 1st 2021.

Please consider aerial spraying of BTK.  It i s safe and will not damage other animals, insects, vegetation or ourselves. 

We urge you to talk to your neighbours.

On this site you will find pertinent information regarding:

– BTK spraying

– The company service proposal

– The process should you be interested how to get register

 Neighbour authorization

Best regards.

The Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers Association.

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Beach Clean Up

Posted on October 4, 2020 by Webmaster

On October 3rd we held a Beach clean up at Bluewater.
This was well attended and we would like to thank all participants
We truly appreciate your efforts to keep our beaches healthy and litter free. Thanks to 25 wonderful volunteers, 30 bags off litter was removed from Bluewater Beach including small pieces of plastic & foam, cigarette butts, water bottle caps and more!
Thank you to the Township and most specially to Maggie Off, the Community Engagement Coordinator.

For some pictures of the event, please click here.

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High Water Issue / Letter Campaign

Posted on June 17, 2020 by Webmaster

Dear Georgian Bay Neighbours,

The BCAG (Bluewater Community Action Group) has prepared three sample letters along with an instruction sheet (link) to send to our politicians asking them to take action now to lower the water level of Huron/Georgian Bay.

You can select one of the templates included below that best suits your concern…environmental damage (link ),loss of business and tourism (link) , or more general concerns of high water.  All the letters have a suggested email distribution list and an easy cut-and-paste of the suggested email addresses.

We need as many people as possible writing letters so please feel free to pass along to encourage more participation.

Bluewater Community Action Group

Some additional information:

IJC Report
MNRF report
Townhip of Tay Resolution
Township of Tiny support Resolution

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High water issue

Posted on May 10, 2020 by Webmaster

Are you concerned about high water and consequences?
We encourage you to read the attached flyer ( updated May 14th ) produced by the Bluewater Community Action Group (BCAG)

The BDRA board

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Posted on October 11, 2019 by Webmaster

We wish all a wonderful holiday season and a splendid Thanksgiving Day. May it be filled with lots of joy and happiness.
May the happy occasion of Thanksgiving bring you an abundance of love and joy, lots of prosperity and good health.
Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving Day.
The BDRA Board

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Happy 2019 Canada Day

Posted on June 30, 2019 by Webmaster

The Board of Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers Association wants to wish you and all your loved ones a very Happy Canada Day!

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Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers Association Posting Board

Posted on June 12, 2019 by Webmaster

At the onset of our June 8th AGM, Councillor Cindy Hastings and Councillor Toni Mintoff unveiled our Community Board.
Our Association is striving to provide the best support and communication for our community
Please see the attached picture.
The BDRA Board

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Happy Easter 2019

Posted on April 18, 2019 by Webmaster

The Board of Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers Association wants to wish you and all your loved ones a very Happy Easter.

December 06 : Christmas Newsletter

July Newsletter: Our Annual BBQ will be held on July 23. Read more

For our Members : 2011 Annual General Meeting June 4th 2011.

What you need to know about Invasive species:

–   The Tiny Cottager References

Article from Liz Butiigieg “Dog Etiquette on Our Friendly Beaches

Mark your Calendar: 2011 Tiny Township Winter Carnival

McMahan Woods Development : OMB appeal status < file1>, < file2>

McMahan Woods Development OMB Filling Documents: Zoning & Draft Plan

Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers Association Winter Newsletter.

McMahan Woods Developments. BDRA Planning Submission