2016-Jun-22 – AGM Notification
Please note that our 2016 AGM will be held on July 16th 2016.
Follow the following link for all informations AGM invitation flyer2 2016-1
Hoping to see you all at Jessie’s place!Regards.
Ingrid Egner / BDRA President
2016-Jun-23- Tiny Marsh Bioblitz
For your info.
A great and informative event!!
2015-May-23 Tiny Marsh Bioblitz-June 27, 2015
Volunteers wanted!
Mark your calendar, come & help us.
For all informations, click on this Bio blitz( pdf )
For the BDRA Board.
Ingrid Egner / President
2015-May-14 AGM Notification
Dear Members,
Please be advised that our association AGM will be held on June 6th 2015 at 10:00 am. , 50 Nicole Blvd. Reserve the date!
For more informations please follow the link below:
AGM invitation flyer_registration2015
For the Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers Association Board,
Ingrid Egner/President.
2013-Jun-14 – Georgian Bay Water Level PIC.
The Township of Tiny, in partnership with the Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations (FoTTSA), is hosting a Public Information Centre regarding the Georgian Bay Water Levels on Saturday, July 6, 2013, from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon, at the Township of Tiny Community Centre (91 Concession 8 East, Tiny).
Guest Speakers include Roger Gauthier, Chair, Restore Our Water International and Mary Muter, Chair, Great Lakes Section, Sierra Club Ontario.
2013-Jun_12 – AGM
The association held its annual general Meeting on June 8th 2013. See under About Us/ Board the list of your executives. Ingrid Egner
2012-Dec-16 – SSEA Trees Seedlings
The Severn Sound Association is having its yearly tree seedling purchase Campaign. For more information or if you are interested, please visit by clicking here : SSEA web site.
2012-Aug-18 -Annual Gathering.
We are pleased to inform you that our annual gathering will be held on Sept 2nd , as a Street party on Connie. Please follow this Link for more details.
Hoping to see you all!
2012-Jun-29 – Happy Canada Day!
From the BDRA Board.
2012-Jun-20 AGM New Schedule:
Dear BDRA Members,
Please be advised our AGM has been rescheduled for July 7. 2012, 35 Nadia Crescent. Registration starts at 10:00 am. and meeting at 10:30. ( see attached Link ) . Looking forward seeing all of you! Regards Ingrid Egner / President
2012-Jun-08 Notice of cancellation: Dear BDRA members,
Due to unforeseen circumstances, I want to inform you that the AGM planned for Saturday June 9. at 10:30 am. has been cancelled.
We will inform you at a later date of the new date and location.
Counting on your understanding, and with my apologies,
Ingrid Egner / BDRA President.
2012-May-31 -2012 AGM. Please be advised that the association AGM will be held on June 9, 2012 at 10:00 am. Click here for more details.
2012-May-10– Please notice that, following the Bluewater Dunes Restoration Advisory Committee recommendations, modifications will be implemented on the Boardwalks. Please read here the public notice from the Township. Also review the map and picture.
2012-Apr-03 -The dates have been set up for the upcoming OMB appeal.
Please refer to the following link for details.
Please note that the order posted is not up to date, as since the 19th of December, the Federation of Tiny Shoreline Associations ( FoTTSA ) has withdrawn from the Party Status.
The Bluewater Dunes Restoration Advisory Committee will make a deputation to Council on Monday 12th , Regular Council Meeting starting at 7pm. ( Council Chambers ).
The following LINK, will give you access to the presentation as documented in the agenda of the 2012/03/12 Regular Council Meeting. ( please note the download may take some time due to the file size)
2012-Mar-29 The Bluewater Dunes Association Board wishes you a safe and joyful March Break!
Bluewater Dunes Restoration Master Plan documents
Water as a Human Right ( Maude Barlow ) look at : Water on The Table ( Courtesy TVO )